Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ..


Listening COMPREHENSION LISTENING Strategy a matter Listening Comprehension consists of three parts:
(1) Short Conversations consisting of 30 grains of matter;
(2) the Longer Conversations 8 grains of matter;
(3) consists of 12 rounds of Talks about.

1 Short Dialogue (Short Conversation) 60%
2 Long Dialogue (Longer Conversation) 16%
3 Talks 24%
Total 100%

Short Dialogues to test the ability of participants to listen to the conversations around the test of everyday life, both in the context of academic and non academic. Therefore the atmosphere of the conversation in the test can be formal or not formal. Academic activities and expressions became important because idiomatis factors is believed will help participants make the understanding in listening to problems such as TOEFL Listening test.

Though short conversation contains only short conversations, the participants are not skillful listening language conversation text United Kingdom is expected to have difficulty dealing with this section. This is because the section amounted to 30 grains of matter or 60% of the entire matter of listening to this there are many traps, both in terms of the sound of the word is a word meaning mapun outwit the often times unpredictable.
Important for the test-taker to prepare candidates for this section as well as possible,How should ' trap ' in the matter; and parafrasa as a solution working on this section.

1. importance of the Content of Word in the process of "listening"
when the prospective participant is still having trouble understanding the test dialog language United Kingdom, he doesn't have to worry too much. Potential participants are having trouble understanding the test of oral texts should be aware that in order to be able to capture the message conveyed verbally, he doesn't have to capture and remember all the words conveyed the speaker (speaker). In reality the language, to understand the spoken language, someone just needs to catch the key words that support the core idea of the sentence. For example, when A says: ' My grandmother is in the kitchen ', then B, as anyone who listens to that information does not have to remember the 6 spoken word a. If B does not hear the word is, so she just heard My grandmother--in the kitchen, he could still predict the meaning of that sentence. Similarly when B is not heard the word in, he still could have predicted what is a. Even though if B is not heard three words, which is in the, so he only heard ' My grandmother------kitchen ' he still can also estimate the meaning of that sentence. But if B does not hear the word kitchen, so that their ears just ' My grand mother is in the--' he will have difficulty understanding the information presented a. especially if B not being able to hear the word grandmother and kitchen, so he only heard ' my-----is in the--' sure B will have difficulty understanding the sentence a. key words such as ' grandmother ' and ' kitchen ' in the above example is called ' content ' wordWhile words like is, in, the so-called ' function ' word. Content words are words in a sentence When it is pronounced (pronounced) would always pressure gets stronger than function words. Function words only served as a language device or tool of language functions complement the content words in the sentence. Words that are included in the key word is ' the verb ', ' noun ', ' adjective ', and ' adverb '. To identify key words within the text of the oral test, participants need to heed his words louder than other words. Practice listening to the words that are harder than the pressure the other will help prospective participants catch the key words in the sentences are delivered orally.

In the Listening Comprehension test TOEFL ability to estimate keywords before listening to the questions and the ability to recognize these words at the time the text is to be, it is very important. How to recognize key words before the problem is with a sound alert as soon as possible to see the content of word that is dominant in the options response. Example: Before listening to the dialog, note the alternative answers as follows: (A) He always watches television from 1: 00 to 2: 00 pm (B) he'll watch in one hour or two (C) He just got television this week (D) He doesn't see many programs.

Content words are dominant in the example above is he--watch/see--television.
Certain dialogue will make a series of key words These. Until this stage, a participant test was successfully narrow the ' space tembak'nya. The next step he should soon be ready to listen to other keywords that connects two words, which will be played in the matter.
Woman: How often do you watch television?
Man: Only an hour or two a week Question: What does the man mean?

After participants guessing probability is emerging, which is about watch-television, and then, unable to catch the key words in the dialogue, i.e. how often (how often) and an hour or two a week (only one – two hours a week or very rarely), a participant will certainly test easily select an answer.

2. Should A ' Trap ' problem in Short Conversations.

Therefore, the words that appear in a matter of Listening Comprehension is not written in the book test, a participant must have the ability to anticipate the sound and meanings of the word in question in the context of the problem. Often, issues of noise words used to trap the test-taker. Participants who do not have the ability to distinguish speech a Word with other selected words will be easily fooled by trap problem this model. The traps of such possibility only appears in a matter of listening section A (matter of numbers 1-30). Note the following examples: the voice Narrator: Let me know whether Bill is coming.
(A) the Bill's coming because the weather is good
(B) I have no idea when the Bill is coming
(C) Several bills have come in the mail recently
(D) Please tell me if the Bill will come.

When noted, will be obtained the following data:
(1) Words which reads whether dikecohkan with A choice on the weather;
(2) Words which reads know dikecohkan with no option B;
(3) Words that read the Bill, the name of the person, dikecohkan with bills (accounts) in c.

Thus it can be concluded that the option A, B, and C is not an option that is approaching the problem sentence. The third sentence referred to above question to trap maker test participants with sound-a sound that is similar – similar but much of its meaning. Section D (Please tell me if the Bill will come) has a meaning closest to the phrase the question, because Let me know = tell me and whether = if. Let me know whether Bill is coming = Tell me if Bill will come. Here's an example of entrapment in matter of listening comprehension that require accuracy in listening.

On occasion, the traps are made with a specific word in the sentence mengecohkan problem in other words ' meanings of lepas'nya is similar to the word in question. In order to escape from the trap of a matter, the test-taker should be able to see the meaning of the context of the question words. Consider the following example:

He trained hard for the sports meet.
(A) Playing sports is hard for him
(B) The train was headed for the sports meet
(C) He wanted to meet the sports trainer
(D) He prepared well for the sports event

Of hard Words (option A), train (option B), and meet (option C) is a word meaning “lepa”'nya with these words in a sentence matter. However participants should be careful that these new words will clear and definite maknya if it has been entered in the context.

(1) the word hard in the context of a matter that is hard or seriously, while hard on the choice of A word that is difficult.
(2) the word train in the context of a matter that is practicing or prepare, while in option B meaning train.
(3) the word meet in the context of a matter that is the event or competition, while in option C does meet.

Conclusion: the words hard, train and meet in the options response is not the same meaning with words hard, train and meet at the sentence about. So the options A, B, and C must be shunned because it does not fit the context of the sentence is about.

Option D is the option most appropriate because all the words/phrases represent the meaning of the sentence in question.
He trained hard = He prepared well For the sports meet = for the sports event.
See the similarity of meaning, we should select the Answer d. clear that ' sameness of meaning ' is the starting point to be used by the participants in the select answer.

3. Know Building a dialogue
in conversations short (short dialogue) there are only four possible building dialogue.
(1) Question responded with a Statement
(2) Statement responded with the Question
(3) Statement responded with a Statement
(4) Question responded to the Question

1. A: All the buses were on strike this morning. How did you come here, Jordy? (Q)
B: My neighbor gave me a dink. How lucky I was. (S)

2.A: I guess he was upset with his current position in his office. (S)
B: What made him so upset? Shouldn't he be glad with his promotion? (Q)
3.A: He will never know why his girl friend had the heart to leave him in such a situation. (S)
B: Neither will all his friends. (S)

4. A: Do you like the girl talking to your sister? (Q)
B: Uhm, what about you, pal? (Q)

having regard to the buildings dialog above, the prospective participants of the TOEFL test can be anticipate the questions with a close dialogue, direction, whether the alert dialog is a dialog with the pattern (1) Q-S, (2) S-Q, (3) S-S, or (4) the Q-Q. Skills needed to overcome problems such as this is to recognize whether a sentence is a Question or Statement. In write, identify the Question or Statement is not difficult. A sentence that ends with a trailing period (.) is surely the sentence is a Statement; If it ends with a question mark (?) of the sentence is a Question. In those limits, Listening does not apply. Test-taker must be able to recognize the intonation or song phrase that didengarkannya. Flat intonation can be certainly a Statement, while rising intonation in General represent a Question.

4. Steps to anticipate the direction of the Dialogue

In the TOEFL test ability to recognize Question, Statement, and buildings for dialogue are an important asset for the test-taker can understand each question carefully. Study the dialogue-dialogue carefully so that you can catch the meaning of dialogue.


1. Man: Do you think Janet will spend a week in the country with us? (Q) Woman: Only if she can tear herself away from her book! (S) Narrator: What does the woman mean?

2. Man: Everybody said this astronomy course would be so easy. (S) Woman: But it hasn't quite worked out that way, has it? (Q) Narrator: What does the woman think about the course?

3. Man: Getting an appointment with Dr. Waterman is not easy. (S) Woman: I'll say. (S) Narrator: What does the woman mean?

4. Woman: Where can I have made copies of my application? (Q) Man: Isn't there a photocopy machine in the bursar's office? (Q) Narrator: What does the man imply?

Dialogues that You just listen to corroborate the information above that in a short conversation there are only four possible building dialogue. A question of numbers (1), with a pattern of Q-S should pay attention to direction questions limas has responded to the first person and observe the response given to the latter. Example problem number (2) is a dialogue with pattern S-Q. A dialogue with such a pattern forces you to consider carefully what Filipinos are second in the response he gave to the statement of the first. Example problem number (3), i.e. with the pattern of the S-S, having regard to the statement should limas has responded to the first and the second reaction to the statement that he gave. Example problem number (4), with a pattern of Q-Q, should be to pay attention to direction questions limas has responded to the first question and the second person thrown back. Without studying in earnest the pattern, however, it is difficult for the test-taker to get their best results. In General, the pattern of dialogue and steps we have to take can be described as follows.

The PATTERNS DIALOG DIALOG BUILDING measures that should be considered a PATTERN 1
note the direction of the first question and examine the response given the second




Examine what Filipinos are second in the response he gave to the statement the first




note the statement of the first person and second person be aware of the reactions having regard to the statement that he gave.




Examine questions of people first and note the question behind that second

5. Lapis-lapis Sentence in dialogue

At a time when listening to a matter of Listening Comprehension in the TOEFL test, many of the test participants to anticipate the direction of the dialogue because stuttered speed (speed of the talk) that the height of the narrator, which ranges between 188-220 words per minute. Besides high speed trouble also sometimes appear, especially when the participants must listen to the Statement length, consisting of three layers of sentence at once in a single statement. The following example statement/question is displayed with various layers of sentence.
1. Woman: Dr. Naff's class has just been canceled.
Man: I was afraid of that!
Narrator: What does the man mean?

2. Man: Professor Smith is going to retire soon. What kind of gift should we give her?
Woman: I think she'd like to have a photograph of our class.
Narrator: What does the woman think the class should do?

3. Woman: That roast weighs about eight pounds.
Man: Oh, that's too big then. I only want to serve five people. Why don't you give me one about half that size?
Narrator: What does the man say about the roast?

4. Man: The problem is I don't have the parts to fix the water hose. You can drive it as it is, but you'll have to get it replaced pretty soon.
Woman: Okay. When the parts come in, give me a call and I'll bring it back.
Narrator: Where does this conversation probably take place?

Description 1. Statement in the first dialog can be included in a short statement, the group consisted of one sentence only (Dr. Naff's class has just been canceled). Likewise statement of response in the Dialog. His response Statement consisted of just one sentence (I was afraid of that!)

2. the second Dialog Dialogue different from first in terms of more length the information conveyed in the first person. In this section there are two layers of the sentence should be noted carefully that: (a) Professor Smith is going to retire soon (b). What kind of gift should we give her?

3. as a matter of the number 2, the dialogue on the matter of number 3, especially the part that said the second person also is long, consisting of three layers of sentence.

(a) That (the roast) is too big.
(b) I only want to serve five people.
(c) Why don't you give me about one half that size.

4. the fourth Dialog similar to the dialogue 2 and 3, i.e., the length of the information on one part, i.e. the spoken first person.

(a) The problem is I don't have the parts to fix the water hose.
(b) You can drive it as it is (c) you'll have to get it replaced pretty soon.

Having regard to the examples about Listening Comprehension in the TOEFL test, particularly the Short Dialogues, a candidate for the test-taker must familiarize themselves with forms questions (questions) and and statement (statement), both wake up to 1 sentence alone or Layer 2 or Layer 3 sentences.

Of Long Dialogues (Long Conversations) in the TOEFL test is meant to test the ability of the test-taker to understand long conversation about the situation that exists in academic or non-academic. In this part of the test-taker will listen to two of the dialogue, each of which contains four rounds of questions; While the Talks are meant to test the ability of the test-taker to understand long monologue (talk) academic style. On the part of these talks participants will listen 3 pieces monologues that in General contains one each of 5, 4, and 3 questions.
To resolve this issue participants suggested test notice the key words are scattered in the options response. These keywords can be used to create an overview of the information to be conveyed in text. Test-taker's ability to make an idea of what will be discussed in a Long Conversation or what will be delivered in Talks will be very easy captures the core message Long Conversation and Talks.
The following is displayed regarding how to utilize keywords in anticipation of a Long Conversation and Talks from the diambilkan Tactical steps to prepare for TOEFL (Sutrisno, 2003: 116 – 122) b. 1. Practice of Utilizing Keywords When working on a matter of Long Conversation (Part B) and Talks (Part C), the test-taker is confronted on the issue which he must follow the information in the United Kingdom which was read at high speed, understand, and remember it. Of course this task is not easy to do because the test-taker must be dealing with long texts that contain about academic life in the United States. To do this task, participants test requires efficient manner, both in terms of capturing information and answer questions.
One way that could be considered test-taker is by utilizing keywords that are scattered in the option the answers. Skills utilizing keywords are indispensable in anticipating the information conveyed in the Long Conversation and Talks. Understanding keyword on the text option is to be solved before will really help the participants follow the flow of information that is read by the narrator. Note the key words which are scattered in the following answer options, and use those words to build a likely topic that will be discussed.








A. Dialogue contains 1 sentence tier.
B. Dialogue with 2 layers of sentences.
C. Dialogue contains 3 layers of sentence.




Types of Problem Listening Toefl

* Basic Skill For Listening

so that we get the maximum score in a Listening Test we are required not only good but United Kingdom Language knowledge n the habit we talk so we listened to the bule familiar with the language of the United Kingdom. Surely we can ga dapatin this ability only by studying 1 ato 2 days. To improve the ability of listening, we must often ? often practicing listening and familiarize self oral United Kingdom language so we're familiar with things like:
1.Idioms ato phrases aka figurative words
2.Structure Grammar
3.And certainly VOCABULARY aka vocabulary (especially the vocabulary We rarely denger) what should we anticipated when the test?

In addition to basic skill above, when tests are sometimes rich problems arise nerves, less good device listening ato various other factors that makes us so hard to understand the content of the talks.

So, what's the solution ?

The first one should never think it matters whether it will appear ato ngga, create a positive suggestion, positive thinking n PeDe 1000%, nevertheless we must prepare an antidote tetep kalo rich problems arise, what was penangkalnya??


Ga no better antidote than concentration, gimana cara practice concentration could are you clay in CONCENTRATION when LISTENING TIPS.

If we can CONCENTRATION for sure we can maximize our hearing. Try to understand the entire contents of the conversation but don't be pehatikan ato monologue of each word the most important is precisely looking pronounced tau ato speaker contents mean overall, Miss words, idioms ato phrase n try to conclude the overall foreign talks ato monologue in listening These.

· Further Understand each section of the test, there will be 3 parts in the listening tests, among other things:
a dialogue between two people. Each conversation to one problem. Topics of conversation are usually things that relate to academic/school/college, like about PR, class, teachers/professors and exams.

· Contains dialogue ato conversation that is longer than the Part A, every conversation is common to two or more questions. The contents of the conversation can be a chat about famous people, process the scientific stuff/ato other things related to ato lecture lesson.

· Contains monologues ato lecture/announcements etc, each monologue was usually for three questions or more. The contents of the monologue can be either the description/narrative about famous people, process and other corresponding ato ha with ato lecture lesson.